Data And Cyber Breach Notification Form
Relevant licensee
Alliance Wealth
Notifier name
Notification date
Data breach description (include information on how it occurred)
Primary cause of data breach
Cyber attack
System fault
Human error
If cyber attack is the type known?
Malware - “Malware” refers to malicious software viruses including worms, spyware, ransomware, adware, and trojans.
Phishing attack - attacker impersonates to be a trusted contact and sends the victim fake mails with malicious links
Password attack – hacker cracks your password using password cracking tools like brute force attacks, dictionary attacks, and keylogger attacks.
Other - please specific
Not known
Cyber Attack Type - Other
Select relevant categories involved with the data breach
Financial details
Tax File Number (TFN)
Identification information (e.g. Centrelink reference number, passport, drivers licence number, Medicare number)
Contact information (e.g. home address, phone number, email address)
Health information
Other sensitive information (e.g. sexual orientation, political or religious views)
Have you engaged your IT Service Company?
I do not have an IT Provider
Have you or your IT Service Company :
Determined the cause of the attack
Secured your system from attack
Please describe the cause of the issue and if the systems have been remediated the date this occurred. If it has not been remediated please estimate when this will occur.
If you have been provided with an incident report of what occurred from your provider. Please attach this, alternatively please provide a written response from them outlining the issue and their response. This can be provided at a later date if necessary and you should not wait to receive this prior to notifying us of the attack.
Have all passwords been changed?
Not Applicable
Did the attack mean you were unable to service your clients?
Date breach occurred (If known)
Breach duration (If known)
Date breach discovered (If known)
Number of individuals or clients affected
Potential harm to the affected individuals
Minimal risk as not malicious attack
Potential risk
Significant risk as malicious attack and personal/sensitive data accessed
Other - please specific (If there is a known financial loss this should be noted)
Potential harm to the affected individuals - Other (If there is a known financial loss this should be noted)
How was the data breach contained? (containment and remedial action) This may be in a report from your external IT provider.
Detail any steps taken to mitigate future data breaches. This may be in a report from your external IT provider.
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